BLOG on it

August 25, 2009


Filed under: Happy,Life,marriage — by chiroalex33 @ 9:01 am
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I had the pleasure of attending a wedding shower for my friend’s fiancee this weekend. I have certainly become friends with her as well over the past few years, but he and I were friends long before they were a ‘we’. In fact, he and I were friends before I even met Edward.

Tall T and Miss S had known each other for years, but a few years ago they rediscovered each other. I knew she was the one when he would not stop talking about her…. It took him a long time to admit just how in love he was with her. Cute actually.

It has been a bumpy road for them.

She was diagnosed with a terrible illness, and they have worked together, and been through  whole lot together. I worried, as I am sure they did, whether or not this would actually ever happen….

I was so angry when it happened…. I mean, here was this great guy who waited a long time for his “lobster”! For the one, who fills him with joy, and makes him happy, and truly appreciates him. And I worried that she would be taken away.

It just wasn’t FAIR!

When he called to tell me that she was on the mend, and that it looked like she would in indeed be around to give him hell for many years to come…

well… I cried like a baby. I am not ashamed to tell you, my faithful 5 readers, that I was hysterical. I also had to walk back into a classroom and talk to co-workers and students.

It was hard to explain that they were tears of joy.

note… I am getting teary as I write this….

I am thrilled for them. They are both just the most wonderful people you would meet, and that this fall they will get married….

grateful, elated and just plain old thrilled!

I couldn’t ask for a better match for Tall T.  And Miss S is getting a wonderful man who really loves her.

Say a little prayer right now…. be thankful for all of you blessings, even if they are only a few in nature.

It has been a rough year for me, as you know… the last 15 months I have been sick, tired, depressed…. you name it. But when I thought of these 2, at least I could remember that I had a few blessings, no matter how bad it was.

I hope that you count your blessings, and inlcude all of us in your prayers…. Tall T, and Miss S… pray for many happy years for them… pray to remember your own blessings, even when its  really tough to do so.

this is dedicated to Tall T and Miss S. May you have as much happiness as can be found in the world.

And may you be there to give each other hell for many years. I can’t wait to dance at your wedding…. and I can almost guarantee that I will be crying at your wedding… but I’ll bet there won’t be a dry eye in the house.

much love


August 22, 2009

good news

Filed under: Happy,Life — by chiroalex33 @ 11:52 am
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I have great news to share!

As many of you know, I have been actively seeking some additional on-line work. I LOVE, love KU…. don’t get me wrong, I love it there. I wish I was FT there. I would be a happy clam to have a FT position with a place that I feel really appreciates that things I do.

but… sadly, they have not seen the light yet, and I remain a valued PT employee. (but a happy one)

So, I have been seeking some additional work…. because since I had to leave practice last year, our income took a pretty big hit. The extras were not as easily attained without that income.

As you know, I want to spend some good portion of Erie’s brutal winter in a warm climate.  This is a pretty good size ‘extra’. Even if we save on heating this old house…. it is still a good bit of money to rent a place in FL.

So, on to the good news. Online education is exploding, which is great for me. About 2 months ago I interviewed with a school, and I have been WAITING for them to choose the people to advance to the training.

Yesterday, late in the day, I finally learned that I will be one of the instructors joining the training course! YAY!!!!

I also picked up one other online course for the fall. I completed that training already, and that course begins later this week. I will be teaching for 3 schools now, and I am so excited!

The only bad part about this?

Who is going to clean my house while I am busy working? How will I deal with working FT again?

lol, wonderful issues to have!


August 16, 2009

Sunday Morning Crisis

Filed under: general,Musings — by chiroalex33 @ 10:13 am
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Sunday mornings are NOT meant for a crisis. They are for lazy paper reading, and breakfast making. They were not meant for worrying, and running around….

That is, however, the way I began my day.

I woke up early, and got out of bed… made tea, and here is where is gets crisis….

The laptop is sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. (can you see where this is going?)

Soon, there was tea ALL over the coffee table, and running like a little river toward the fan opening on the laptop.  I sacrificed the paper, the new mouse and the TV remotes, to grab the laptop and hold it dripping as the tea ran onto the hardwood floor, and the blue rug.

I moved the laptop to relative safety, and cleaned up the rest of the mess. Then I had to face the very real possibility of damage to the Gateway.

Now, this laptop was not a very expensive one. In fact, I am still amazed by the deal we got. That being said, I am attached. Also, this is not the right time to be needing to purchase a major appliance for us.

So, I roust Ed out of bed, and ask him what to do… what to do? Can I put it in the bag of rice? Thats what you do with cell phones.?

He peeped at me with one eye open, and told me NO. don’t do THAT.

Ok… so what do I do?

we settled on opening it up, and looking around. A bit of moisture, and a LOT of Einstein hair later….





wait for it….. don’t you want to know if I was successful?





YUP! I am typing this on my lap right NOW.

Aren’t you proud of me?


August 7, 2009

Einstein’s Big Adventure

Filed under: Einstein,Life — by chiroalex33 @ 11:04 am
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wall at EYC... we've already walked pretty far!

wall at EYC... we've already walked pretty far!

so, for those of you who have seen Einstein in the past few months, you have seen that he has trouble getting around. He has a degenerative condition, and his back legs don’t always do what he wants them to do…. He walks on the tops of his back feet, and oftern ‘tips over’.

But, make no mistake, this dog IS NOT ready to “go quietly into that dark night”. He still RUNS AWAY for goodness sake. He can’t go very fast, or very far, and even I can usually catch him. But, its just the idea, that if his daily walk is not up to snuff, he will try to extend it all by himself. He will pull himself up, and keep going. Some days, I think he would do it all day long….

But, its sad to watch him drag his back legs into working order. Heartbreaking in fact.

I went to the vet a few months ago, and had that really difficult conversation…. my vert adamentally said that Einstein was not ready. And steadfastly assured me that I ‘would know when he was ready’. Einstein is bright eyed, and full of life. Its just that his body won’t listen to his head. (I understand that so well!) My vet  has said that he is not in pain, and I agree. There are times, when Einstein has taken a spill,  or walked too far, that I can see he is  is pain. Usually and Ecotrin, and he is good to go! The vet he suggested I look into wheelchairs for him.

So I did.

There are many kinds, you can check out handicapped pets for one.

It made its debut on Weds night, but on Thursday, we walked him at the EYC…. BIG HIT! He was off and running.

He doesn’t like to …. ummm….

(whisper) poo in it.

so, he took himself out, and did that, then went back in. Neither Ed or I saw how he did it, but we are aware that if he hated it, he would simply remove himself from it.

So… here…

without any further run up, is the video! (I can’t embed the video for some reason… perhaps I need to upgrade my blog!)

 Cheers, to you Jennifer for the wheels!



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